Despite all the (unfortunately) snowy weather here in Vancouver, I thought I should post of photo of one of the walls at my new Vancouver bouldering area. This wall is one of many - it's between 2 and 7 meters tall (approximately), with lots of interesting features. It overhangs slightly along it's entire length, and will likely have 20 problems or so on it. You can see my German Sheperd friend Lupin standing at the base, so you can get a sense of how tall it is. Some of the problems (well, most of them at this wall) will be well into the highball category. A real 'climber's bouldering area', not for the faint of heart.
When all this snow melts, and we get a few nice days, I'll start posting the problems I've done. Yes, this "Area G" is going to be interesting, I think.
Hmm, tantalizing! 400 problems you say?
Yes... when all is said and done. Lots of walls, decent hold density, probably 300 - 400. I'm hoping to cream out at least 50 - 100 classics, then then hordes can have the rest...
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